How Do I Search For A Will in Singapore?

How Do I Search For A Will in Singapore?

Many Singaporeans find themselves in a situation where they are unsure if a loved one left behind a Will after passing away.

Unfortunately, it seems to be a cultural taboo to discuss financial planning after death in Singapore, and as such, many Singaporeans don't discuss with their children or other loved ones on whether they’ve drafted a valid Will.

Another common scenario occurs where the testator (the person who drafted the Will) mentions having drafted a Will, but none of the family members know where the Will is located.

Do I Have To Search For A Will In Singapore?

While it is not currently mandatory under Singapore law to conduct thorough searches for a Will, it is generally a good idea to do so prior to applying for the Grant of Letters of Administration.

Certain scenarios may also increase the pertinence of being more thorough with Will searches (E.g. when the deceased party passes away suddenly and has known mistresses outside the marriage.)

How To Search For A Will In Singapore?

1) Make A Thorough Search Of The Deceased's Home

The Deceased’s home should be the first port of call. Start with the Deceased’s room and pay particular attention to safe deposit boxes and cabinets that are locked. Make sure you search every nook and cranny of the Deceased's home.

2) Speak To Other Members Of The Deceased’s Family As Well As His/Her Close Friends.

If you have access to the contact details of other members of the Deceased’s family or his/her close friends, you should call them up and find out whether they have any information on the Deceased’s Will.

3) Make A Search At The Wills Registry.

The Wills Registry is a confidential registry maintained by the Singapore Academy of Law that the Deceased may have registered his Will with. If you are uncertain whether the Deceased has even created a Will, the Wills Registry can be useful in helping you narrow your search.

However, a search at the Wills Registry will only tell you whether a will has been registered there and is not a storage facility for Wills. In addition, it is NOT compulsory to register a will with the Wills Registry so you should not rely entirely on the information you receive here.

4) Making An Inquiry Through The Singapore Law Society

The law firm you hire can also be asked to conduct a search through the Singapore Law Society.

The Law Society provides an online service for law firms to broadcast notices or ‘Information on Wills’. The law firm puts up a request for information regarding Wills of the deceased and the Law Society sends out these requests through an email blast to registered law firms. The Information on Wills notice will be disseminated to law firms on the last Wednesday of each month.

Filed under: Probate & Administration
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